Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day...three perspectives

When I was a little girl, I loved Mother's Day. I loved trying to make breakfast, and plaster hand prints for my Mom. Dad was fun to watch too. He always wanted to surprise Mom with fun gifts that would make her feel special. I knew I had the best mom you could ask for. Anything we made she said she loved, no matter what it was, even if she couldn't tell what it was suppose to be. She was happy with a peanut butter sandwich too. When I got older, I often wondered if she really loved all the homemade gifts and cards as much as she claimed. Then I had children....
When I became a mom for the first time it was Mother's Day weekend. I went home from the hospital without my daughter, and my mom was with me. I was thrilled and hurting the first time I got to celebrate on the mommy side of this holiday. I now have three kids and I know I am blessed beyond belief to be able to celebrate Mother's Day. I now look forward to the plaster hand prints, bookmarks made in scouts, and cards that I can't always read. I understand my Mom more now and appreciate her more than I thought I ever would seeing Mother's Day from the other side. I know my mom really did love all those gifts, flowers and cards. I can't imagine spending Mother's Day without my children.....
This is my Mom's first Mother's Day without my sister. I can't fathom what she may be feeling. Bobbie will try and make it as perfect as possible (she is like Dad) Bobbie will want to make a wonderful lunch, find the most amazing gifts and find the most beautiful flowers. She will stress over it. I am not there, and maybe I should be. I do know no matter what we do my Mom is going to hurt, it is inevitable. I can't make the pain go away or pretend it isn't there. I don't have the answers. I am praying, and praying and praying. I have learned how my mom feels a lot by how I feel about my own children. I hope I never have to out live my kids, but if I do I will have a much better idea of what my Mom is feeling. I wish I had made a plaster hand for my Mom this year...I think it might have been the perfect gift! I love you Mom.

1 comment:

Jenn said...

This was moms 1st mother's day without grandma. we somehow made it was tough but what happens behind a closed door when everyone is gone is a different story.